Friday, April 04, 2008

In a city as big and densely populated as New York, it’s amazing how many people one can interact with and not get to know. After going to the same deli and ordering the same thing day-after-day, there are times when I would venture to say it is the good employees at Liberty Deli that know me best.

Alas, those are only on those days when I’m being melodramatic. On one front, I have the good friends that I don’t see (in Chicago) those in Chicago that I do see (Rob, Mary, a couple of others) and I’m glad to report some new additions. Most of which have come to me, some way or another, through my enjoyment of opera.

No, it’s not going to the opera house that I meet anyone new – it’s like meeting someone in a movie theater. You see, knowing me is hearing me rant about the opera, going to the opera, and listening to it when you come over (and even over a teary martini). So when my friends meet new people that are fans they generally try to connect me to them by saying “oh you should meet Matt, he’s a fan, too.” And so it goes that I’m eventually introduced. In some ways it’s like being a smoker; there aren’t many of you but you share something so esoteric that you immediately let your guard down with that person and have stuff to talk about.

Ok, ok, so where am I going with all this? I met a cool new friend, Michael, through his friend that lives in Wisconsin, Brock, who dated – at one point – a guy who just broke up with my friend in Chicago. Exhale. Inhale. And while I’ve generally met a lot of other opera fans, this is one of the first that is not a) a snob, b) totally anti-social, c) boring, d) 90+ years old, etc. Layer on that a good soul who's lots of fun and there you have it, a recipe for good, new people in my life.

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