Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged anything of substance. I could sit here and rattle off some excuses about being busy with work, about having this exciting social life, and how the move has taken up my time. But, alas, I’ll spare you my usual bull shit. I’ve been lazy.

The big thing to report is a flawless vacation on Provincetown this year. Nearly every day was a blue sky, so I’ve come back with a tan that could possibly change my ethnicity. Add to this the fact that, Rob and I met a fantastic group of people there – some British inpats living in DC that we ended up hanging out daily with. (I actually convinced them to stay over Labor Day weekend but they couldn’t extend their stay at the house they rented.)

Missing our new friends, but like troopers, we carried on that weekend. And the weekend came and along with it, primma donna absoluta, Rob’s new b/f. Suffice it to say that they had issues, and there was a considerable amount of tension in the house. So I headed out to a bar (where else) to escape the wrath of Rob. And what would seem like a blemish on the perfect weekend was actually opportunity knocking – a romance of my own rose from the ashes there. (I’m being vague on purpose.)

Aaaaah p-town, a welcome distraction from work, moving, and life: Now it’s back to business. Bu what memories.

Me and both Robs.

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