Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A tornado storm strikes NYC

I went to bed early last night. It was kinda nice. . . haven’t been sleeping all that well lately. So when I woke up this morning at around 4am during a storm, it seemed like some sort of dream as I fell back asleep. I drug my ass out of bed to get to work. Unlike the rest of the week I was out of the house on time and on my way to an early start on the day.

That all ended as my journey to the subway ended in denial: the subway wasn’t running. What?! What do they mean the subway wasn’t running? While there was little left of the storm during this sunny, 90-degree morning, except the stifling humidity, it was apparently bad enough to flood the subway.

Thinking I’d outsmarted the block-long line for the bus, I decided to take another bus to the West Side – the subway must be running there. Boarding the cross-town bus and heading across Central Park in triumph, I saw the bus coming from the West to the East side –it was packed with people, too. As the passengers of the two busses caught sight of each other, our smug faces turned to horror. We have just relocated our problems.

And I found myself on the West side trolling around for a bus or something. All the busses were packed. I carried on, determined to find something to take me to work. At this point I’m sweating like Whitney Huston at customs. I finally shoe horn myself into a bus during traffic that seemed like a standstill, and it takes another hour to get 30 blocks.

Apparently, the weather was pretty damn bad. The New York Times reports that a tornado struck the city, in Brooklyn, where winds reached 135 mph.

Ah! The perils of bad weather in urban places.

A tornado strikes Brooklyn

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