Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Last night’s Democratic “YouTube” debate last night - supposedly ushering the Democrats, and politics, into the 21st century – was a circus. It was, in some ways, politics as usual: candidates shunning real answers with meaningless generalizations, jabs, and grandstanding.

Add to this a snowman curious about global warming policies, Californian vegans, gun freaks and lesbians wondering what the potentials will do for their single-issue minds, and what you have is politics sinking to a new low. I realized, quickly, that in a society where anyone can post something on the web for everyone to see, and determine the next pop star with a call-in vote, what we lack is elitism.

Bringing a presidential debate to this level was a mistake.

But the circus of the event could have allowed the candidates to show the American public how they could rise above it with some dignity. Perhaps the only candidates that came out of it with an iota of dignity – dare I say—were Clinton and Obama. It certainly was not Edwards, who looked like an idiot even before his ridiculious/sexist comment about Clinton's suit.

Clinton will crush them all. Consequently, we are going to have another Republican in the White House for the next decade.

God help us all.

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