Sunday, April 15, 2007

selling out?

The very prospect of making the kind of money they offered to me is pretty damn appealing. What to do? I decided went into my boss’s office and said: “Okay, I’m in.” With that, he jumped up and hugged me.

Bla, blab bla. . . we talked about this and that and in the back of my mind I was feeling like Michael Jackson selling out to do a Coke ad – if you recall, his afro was set on fire during the shoot.

So it really should have been a celebration, though I’ve yet to see anything in writing, which I’m told will come this week. And I remain jaded and -- like a shark -- continue hunting and swimming, even while asleep. I’ve also been talking to other employers. So if they fuck me over again, I have another backup that can start another bidding war.

But at this point, if what my current employer says is true, I would be a fool to walk away from this money. I have a feeling they’ll basically use me for a year and then fire me. But with that salary, I can afford to save a shitload of money and dramatically change my lifestyle. For the time-being, I’ve sold out. . . . all the way to the bank.

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