Tuesday, April 10, 2007

On the horns of a dilemma

The roller coaster which is my work-life continues. Last week I got my official offer letter. With bells, I marched into work to end the hell constantly inflicted upon me. I walked into my new boss’s office. . .

“Well, I’m just going to cut to the chase. I’m resigning. I really don’t think the culture here fits my personality.”

The bomb was dropped, and for the first time in a while, I had the upper hand. They are fucked without me. While all these fucking managers hold meetings, schmooze with the CEO, I’m in the back making all their ideas happen, rolling up my sleeves and doing the dirty work. Fuck them. I can go to a company that understands the complexity of the work I do, creates a career path for me, and treats people with an iota dignity.

I’d never felt more free.

My boss then came back to me later that day with a smirk on his face. For some reason I didn’t think they would counter my offer with anything other then perhaps another piltry raise. Then the figure came out.

Oh my fucking god. He offered to nearly double my salary. I had to laugh in his face. “This place is crazy.” I said.

While part of me was shocked at the prospect of making that kind of money, part of me totally understands the psychology. I could see the CEO thinking, becoming disgusted with the idea that some other company would have more resources than he, that they could lure away the talent of this company, that there was more interesting work elsewhere, that there were more intelligent people to work with. He is fuming over it, thinking about the professor – his longtime friend – referring candidates to him that he could not keep. He would be thinking about the person who built a model quantifying the costs of attrition quitting himself. “I will make an example of this: Fuck it”, I could hear him saying, “Double his salary!”

And so it was done. I guess it’s all a complicated problem that I’m glad to have.

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