Monday, January 01, 2007

Another year has come and gone. So what’s to show for 2006 and what’s to look forward to in 2007? I guess starting with what’s already happened is easiest.

With respect to work, I’ve settled in to the point where I’ve got staff, daily access to the CEO, and have a chance to work with a professor at Columbia. Except for the latter, none of this is particularly good news. Managing people is more of a pain than I’d ever dreamed, the CEO of our company is a tyrant, and I now work more than ever (weekends and holidays included.

Culturally, I’ve obviously got no complaints. Access to the Met has made this a bearable world, and to balance things out I go to the Monster and hang out with Rob. “Stay close to the earth, because when you fall it doesn’t hurt as much,” I’m told, and that I’ve certainly done.

Romantically, I’ve not just stayed close to the earth, but am crawling around in it like a mud bug. There’s no where to go but up: I had a summer fling that turned psychotic, started on-line dating (which in the gay world is just a place to have random sex), and the only people interested in me are awful. Now there’s really no news, which given my track record is actually good news.

Family is family. I see a lot more of then and other friends now that I’ve got a decent sized place . . . People are coming out of the woodworks to crash at my place (esp the family) so I’m glad to report that I’m visited. Shit, I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I’ve moved back.

And as for next year, what is there to say. Biggest issue is romance, but I’m not going to resolve to do a damn thing about that. I wouldn’t mind improving my work situation and work-life balance, but who doesn’t. Everything else is pretty good, I have to say.

2006. Over and out.

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