Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Ole’ Cape Cod
Despite my grumbling about what my vacation to the Cape was turning into –a lot of asses from Jersey visiting, a psychotic ex-boyfriend, etc. – I have to say things went really well. Though I was supposed to leave on Saturday, I shortened my overlap with the psycho ex, yet made an appearance on Wednesday –not showing would have been a sign of weakness. When we bumped into each other, it was a non-event. We basically ignored it. I kept my distance from the annoying Jersey clan by hurling a few vapid comments when I arrived to ensure they never came around. It worked.
And so it was basically Rob, Anthony and Visellia that shared the house and had a great time. There was basically a lot of drinking, spending time in the sun, and partying at night. As usual, a good time was had by all. But I had to make something of a spectacle of myself to ensure the errors of this vacation would never be repeated.