Monday, August 15, 2005

Scheduling get-togethers with friends, it seems, can be somewhat difficult these days. And with my leaving for New Orleans this weekend then being off to Cape Code the next for a long vacation, some close friends had decided to get together at my place for a pre-birthday celebration. Kira, Deeter, Melody, Anthony, Dave, Mike and Dan came by for a dinner celebration on Saturday.

I actually cooked -- made chicken marsala and pasta. Anthony made Greek potatoes, Mike and Kira brought desert and appetizers. So there was plenty of food, and Melody ensured there was plenty of booze too.

We had a great time. Though worlds collided – new friends, Anthony and Dave, met the old friends and family – we all seemed to get along as though we’d all known each other for years. It could, admittedly, have had something to do with the 5 bottles of wine, six pack of beer, bottle of Vodka and a little grass we were indulging in (made the food taste better, too!) but I doubt it.

By the end of the night we busted out the old photos (and tortured poor Anthony and Dave), were cracking up, doing a little dance in the living room and smoking outside. That’s a party. Then against our better judgment we went out to SmartBar for some dancing and more drinking. The perfect storm continued to rage and we start drinking Red Bull and vodka. By three in the morning we’d danced up a storm, drank enough to choke a horse, and did enough damage to our lungs and livers to take five years off our lives.

Alas, it was worth it! And I can think of no better way to welcome my thirties: hanging on, defiantly, to my twenties by the skin of my teeth and acting like a 20 year old.

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