Wednesday, April 20, 2005

More change?!

Yes, more change. Fans (or, I should probably say, reader) of the last site have probably been abreast of the trials and tribulations over the last year or so: Arrogantly leaving my old consulting gig in New York, a failed attempt for a PhD, crawling back to my old consulting gig, making them locate me out of Chicago.

This is where my last blog ended sometime in late February. Now the update.

I’m here in Chicago. Ryan and I drove down over the end of February and I began working for the old firm. And with some relative stability returning, you would think I would relish in it and chill. . . . .No. Not me.

I decided to look for another job. And off I went – shamelessly! – looking through job postings, working the networks, and contacting headhunters. (This is only after returning to my job for two months.) I finally get an offer I can’t refuse. So what do I do? I must resign.

I don't think I'll have burned down any bridges at the old firm. No way. I came closer to lighting a bag of dog shit on fire at their doorstep and watching them run out of the house to stomp it out. Then the bridge was burned. (Okay, retarded metaphore)

Calling my practice head and giving notice was not exactly something I was looking forward to. In the back of my mind I knew that this was going to one of those events to mull over while serving out my sentance of eternal damnation. So the day before I called, I scripted out what I was going to say so that at least that flashback could provide some moment of grace.

When I called him I discovered he was out of town. So I had to resign via voice mail. I never got a response. I then e-mailed him a letter of resignation to which he responded: “Well, this is sad news.” You could cut the tension with a knife.


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